Friday, December 15, 2017

The BIG Cheez-It Ripoff for Christmas 2017

Cheez-It has downsized yet again!  Just following an attractive sale of $1.99 (normally $2.99) per 12.4 ounce box they come up with another for 7 ounces for half the price!

Reasoning?  Better nutrition statistics for daily consumption of carbs and saltPLUS - if you casually walk by the display you probably are so taken with the lower price that you grab a box and ring it through the self-checkout and won't notice the rip-off until you get home. 

A little math will reveal that this is really a price point that makes the cost per piece lower, but increases the landfill waste for those folks who don't recycle properly.  AND - after all - they make more money on the box than they do on the contents, anyway.  That's known as "packaging science."

Saturday, November 25, 2017

Sniveling Cuck Caught Lying About Sean Hannity

Unfortunately, many of my German friends buy into this anti-Trump bullshit, too. Does that make them "cucks?"

Thursday, August 17, 2017

Let the Butt-Hurt Commence

Let this sink in . . . .

Dedicated to: Douglas Schraufnagle, Karen 'Missavage' Dunnam, Hillary Clintoon<sic>, Michael Schmoore<sic> and Barack 'Barry' Hussein Obama Soetoro and his Love Child's biological Mother.