Saturday, March 21, 2015

WordPress AutoPost by Tom Urich

Friday was March Equinox, Spring Equinox in the Northern Hemisphere. A time to celebrate new beginnings and all will be quiet here at Grosser Karlsteine, Charlemagne’s Stones, in Osnabruck. But on Winter Solstice and Summer Equinox orbs of light are said to hover over the stones to a background of tortured screaming, while stains appear on them that are impossible to explain away.

Charlemagne's Stones

Charlemagne’s Stones

The haunted stones of “Karlsteine im Hone”, a former pagan temple and burial area. A megalithic chambered tomb built sometime between 3,500 and 2,800 BC, the alleged phenomenon is said to be a result of pagan priests being killed, and their graves desecrated, by Charlemagne.

There is a legend that he broke the site’s largest altar stone with just one blow, to prove Christian beliefs were stronger than paganism.

The population of this region, as many others during Charlemagne’s reign, converted to Christianity – the alternative being death.

Charlemagne, Charles the Great, was later crowned western Europe’s first Emperor in three centuries by Pope Leo III in 800 AD, and his remains lie in Aachen cathedral, the oldest cathedral in northern Europe.

Photo of Karlsteine im Hone (Karl’s Stones), Osnabrueck, Lower Saxony in northwestern Germany, via – The Route of Megalithic Culture. Strasse der Megalithkultur, a 310 kilometer – 193 mile journey of discovery through Megalithic era sites.

Friday, March 20, 2015

WordPress AutoPost by Tom Urich



Joe Anderson is an award-winning comedian, director and writer.

dwb 2013 about joeHe won an MTV Comedy Competition, spent two years touring with The Second City improv comedy theater recently wrote and starred in the play “Shoot Faster, Dear Brother, I’m Dying!” A hilarious play about the Civil War. Obviously. Lawrence Bommer, reviewer for the Chicago Reader and called the play, “A remarkable feat – worthy of Mark Twain” and “Two hours of pitch perfect parody.” Anderson also co-wrote the feature film “America’s Most Haunted” – soon to be available everywhere!


A.J. Schraeder is an odd ball comedian, podcaster, and man child from Greensboro, NC.

dwb 2013 about ajHe became a regular in the dive bar of professional comedy in 2003 when he joined the award winning improv troupe “The Idiot Box”, and ever since, he’s been blasting AC/DC on comedy’s outdated jukebox, drawing hilarious phallic shaped graffiti on comedy’s bathroom walls, pushing lame dive bar analogies, and putting a hell of a lot of quarters into comedy’s golden-tee arcade machine. In addition to his sketch comedy adventures with the Don’t We Boys, he performs regularly with the nerd centric comedy team “Mon Frere”, produces the regular podcast “Unstoppable Failure” with his brother Al-don, and his award winning one man show “Thunderstood” has been performed in comedy festivals across the country.

Scott Erickson (“Don’t”)

Scott Erickson is an actor, music artist and “entertainment entrepreneur” who founded both a production company in 2010 and an independent record label 2011.

dwb 2013 about seanKnown primarily for his work as a producer of film and video, like the world-famous Grand Rapids LipDub, he is also the creator of Renovation Raiders on HGTV.

Sadly, however, he has grown weary of the corporate grind, clients’ gobble-dee-gook and all the competitive hoopla.

Scott has yearned to return to his first love of acting and entertaining his audience for years, and now–in becoming the best third member of The Don’t We Boys–he will fulfill his destiny and grow ever more powerful, assuring his plans of world domination and the dissolution of money and all governments.

Friday, March 13, 2015

Reason and Intellect

"When men exercise their reason coolly and freely, on a variety of distinct questions, they inevitably fall into different opinions, on some of them. When they are governed by a common passion, their opinions if they are so to be called, will be the same." --James Madison, Federalist No. 50, 1788

Wednesday, March 11, 2015

Obama, St. Peter and the Prius

So Obama Is Walking Down the Street When Suddenly…

While walking down Pennsylvania Avenue one fine afternoon on his way back to the White House to sign executive orders banning certain types of ammunition and edible school lunches, President Barack Obama is tragically hit by a Prius and dies.
His soul arrives in heaven and he’s met by St. Peter at the Pearly Gates.
“Welcome to Heaven, Mr. Obama,” St. Peter says. “Before you settle in, it seems there’s a problem. We seldom see an American head of state around these parts, you see, so we’re not sure what to do with you.”
“No problem, just let me in,” Obama tells St. Peter.
“If only it were that easy, Mr. Obama,” St. Peter clucks.  “I’d like to, I really would — but I have orders from higher-ups. What we’re going to do is spend one day in Hell and one day in Heaven. Then you can choose where you spend your eternity.”
“Excuse me, St. Peter,” Obama says. “I’m pretty sure I would prefer Heaven, and I’m pretty sure I deserve Heaven. I was the first African-American president, and I saved America through hope, change, transparency … ”
“Look, we all make mistak–”
“Or how about Jonathan Gruber?”
St. Peter sighed. “Well, regardless. I’m sorry, Mr. Obama, but rules are rules.” With that, he escorts Obama to the elevator to go down in to the depths of Avernus.
The doors open and Obama finds himself in the middle of his favorite golf course. In the distance is a club and in front of it are Frank Marshall Davis, Lyndon Baines Johnson and many of his Chicago compatriots who had passed on.
Furthermore, on the lawn chairs outside of the club, there were signs hung on the back that said the seats were reserved for several of his closest friends and allies, including Susan Rice, Bill Ayers and Rahm Emmanuel.
Everyone greets the deceased president and tells him what a wonderful job he did. Then, all of the Democrats begin talking about the great times they had getting rich off of those who voted for them.
The Devil comes by to meet Obama and orders lobster and caviar for everyone. They have a great time telling jokes and whiling away the hours drinking champagne. Finally, it’s time to go back up to Heaven.
St. Peter dropped Obama off in paradise, where he spends a good, if uneventful 24 hours strumming harps and spinning tales with Ronald Reagan and Abraham Lincoln on clouds. It’s fun, but not nearly as much his time in Hell.
When St. Peter comes back, he tells the president, “Well, there you have it. 24 hours in Hell, and 24 hours in Heaven. What’ll it be?”
“I know this sounds crazy,” Obama tells St. Peter. “However, it seems like Hell is better. I think I’ll go there.”
“As you wish,” St. Peter says. He sends him down on the elevator, and suddenly, he finds himself in the middle of a barren, scorched desert, covered in detritus and human waste. He sees everyone he was laughing with yesterday, dressed in rags and picking up trash in vain.
The Devil comes over to Obama and hands him a bag. “Get working, ye fool!” Satan says.
“I … I don’t get it,” Obama stammers. “Yesterday we were golfing and having a great time. What happened?”
The Devil lowers his head and clucks. “Silly Obama. You of all people should understand. Yesterday we were campaigning. Today, you voted for us!” (H/T The Federalist Papers Project)

LaughFest Amateur & Late Night Showcases ASSIGNED PERFORMERS

At The Pyramid Scheme 
68 Commerce Ave SW
Grand Rapids MI  49503

Wednesday, March 11, 2015 7:30 PM - Amateur Comedy
1 Morrow, Stan   (76510)
2 Sorko, Jarrett   (81998)
3 Houser, Jon   (72547)
4 Fowler, Patrick   (67009)
5 Chambers, Michael   (66767)
6 Allen, Ryan   (76661)
7 Addison, Seth   (82005)
8 Bayne, Jimmy   (78646)
9 Fletcher, Grant   (82559)
10 De La Ossa, Taylor   (81981)
11 Kris, Steven   (80858)
12 Lyles, Kayla   (76175)
13 Rank, Anton   (67229)
14 Lasher, Michael   (82566)
15 Sallaway, Will   (69374)
*Each person will have 5 minutes to perform.

Wednesday, March 11, 2015 9:30 PM - Late Night Comedy 
1 Brenden, Shain   (76828)
2 Geeter, Michael   (75883)
3 Graff, Nolan   (76269)
4 Hanlon, Tim   (76280)
5 Peladeau, Jonathon   (71085)
6 Procida, William   (75994)
7 Schrader, James   (81849)
8 Lauria, Matt   (62444)
9 Ortega, Josh   (71451)
10 Elzinga, Gerrit   (65130)
11 Wenzel, Brad   (71064)
*Each person will have 9 minutes to Perform

Monday, March 2, 2015

WordPress AutoPost by Tom Urich


Geesh. This guy Alexis Tsipras (Greece PM) is digging a moat around himself and his countrymen/women at an increasing pace.

It’s not like I go goose-stepping around Devos Place or anything – but I have to work smoothly with a very pleasant Greek woman and this makes it harder since I have German heritage.

Alexis Tsipras

Originally posted on Observing Hermann:

It’s not just Germany hurting Greek feelings anymore (although the Germans are still evil, too).


The Greek government is now accusing Spain and Portugal of conspiring against it, as well. It’s a conspiracy, you see, because these two countries are willing to carry out the stringent reforms needed to get their economies going again. Greece clearly is not.

Greece’s leftist Prime Minister Alexis Tsipras accused Spain and Portugal on Saturday of leading a conservative conspiracy to topple his anti-austerity government, saying they feared their own radical forces before elections this year.

How much longer is this show going to go on?

“Nach europäischen Maßstäben war das ein sehr ungewöhnliches Foulspiel. Das tun wir nicht in der Euro-Gruppe, das gehört sich nicht.”

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