Tuesday, September 29, 2015

WordPress AutoPost by Tom Urich

I have just made a decision to “buffer” my reaction to the mainstream media.  Why?  I am getting a stomach ache after reading this about CNN.


To Wit: Link to CNN Jake Tapper – Ben Carson Interview

CNN is dangerously close to becoming a complete propaganda machine.

Sunday, September 13, 2015

WordPress AutoPost by Tom Urich

Do you feel personally fulfilled after you turn the computer off following a session on facebook?  Or do you ‘brood’ over thoughts and ideas about your next newsfeed entry?


Reach out to reality.  Put facebook in perspective.


Connecting online with friends and family seems like a fun pastime that would enrich your life, but several studies report otherwise. Researchers at the University of Michigan found that the more time people spend on Facebook, the higher their chance of depression.

Another study, this one out of Utah Valley University, found that using Facebook can cause you to feel dissatisfied with your life. Researchers found “those who have used Facebook longer agreed more that others were happier, and agreed less that life is fair.”

Leave Facebook and you won’t compare your life with a snapshot of someone else’s.

Source: http://ift.tt/1cfuOzx

Thursday, September 3, 2015

WordPress AutoPost by Tom Urich

I believe it was the Iranians who were burning our flag at our own embassy, if I am not mistaken.  This is supposed to be the result of peaceful negotiations.  Look Happy?


This past May, Salami said that Iran desires a war with the United States.

“We monitor their acts day and night and will take every opportunity to set fire to all their economic and political interests if they do a wrong deed,” Brigadier General Hossein Salami, the IRGC’s lieutenant commander, was quoted as saying in Tehran on Thursday. “We have prepared ourselves for the most dangerous scenarios and this is no big deal and is simple to digest for U.S.; we welcome war with the U.S. as we do believe that it will be the scene for our success to display the real potentials of our power,” he said at the time.
